Getting Old

only a whole lot
1 min readSep 11, 2020

It’s 23:37 here writing from Padang and it is currently raining. Aug 17th aka Indonesia’s Independence Day.

I’ll turn 25 next week or in 10 days and I’m excited! I’ve never felt this excited for my birthday before.

Ah, it is not so bad to be old. In fact, I’m happy. I’ve never thought being old was such a good way to feel happy but knowing how much I’ve learned and experienced kinda gives me some reason to look at things differently. Like how I used to get annoyed by little things and how it ruined my mood. Or how I ranted on social media for mostly every single thing happened in my life. I used to get angry by things I couldn’t change and things I couldn’t control. Nowadays I get to see people who are younger than me going through their life the same way as I did and I am very thankful that I’ve passed that phase. The biggest accomplishment would be to worry less about the future, about what people think of me. About why I wasn’t born in wealthy family, how come I don’t have pretty face, why I have such a bad job and so many other things that I shouldn’t worry that much.

